Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my friends from the US, Romania, India, Canada, Japan,
China, Taiwan and Texas because they are special :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend thoughts

Another weekend at work. I start enjoying these times, they motivate me to want more, to fight for more. I am actually looking forward to spend some times with my cool German Shepherd and start training again. I accomplished many things in my life but now I realize that the price that I paid was ignoring my health. Back to the drawing board we are. I took a two weeks break from my juice fasting, and now I am ready to get back into it as of Monday. I will combine it this time with training just to push myself a little more. I became weak and lazy. Money brings comfort, laziness and weakness. I will get back to the mental strength that I had before.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The waiting game

Is the waiting game a virtue? God knows, the fact and the matter is that probably half of our life is made of waiting and hoping. Waiting for an answer from a job interview, waiting for a sign from the person we like, waiting in line at the deli counter, everything in our life is made out of waiting for something or for somebody in our life. One can argue that the waiting game is something that keeps us excited about what is to come and excited about not knowing if the desired thing will come … or not. For me waiting is an unnecessary evil, something that brings nothing, a waste of our time, the waiting game is nothing more than mental tiredness.
Another important thing in life is the capacity to see the importance of one’s actions at a certain moment in time, and how can they affect your life in the long run. Many people jump head first without even thinking. When regrets get created by such actions it shows that allowing rush thinking to lead our life, brings unnecessary damage upon ourselves. ‘Regrets’ is a word that we should avoid introducing in our life. Take decisions that would please you even years after today!

Monday, December 5, 2011


Ieri cand veneam de la munca…da,da stiu ieri a fost duminica si iar am muncit, pe partea dreapta a podului dinspre Seattle catre Bellevue am avut un view superb al muntilor…dupa cum se vede in poza.
In literatura noastra poate s-ar fi zis ca muntele trufas se uita de sus la cat de mici suntem noi aceste creature in masinile care ii polueaza atmosfera etc etc etc. Eu l-am simtit altfel – singuratic, comfortabil si absolut detasat de orice. Poate ca asa am fost noi crescuti ca pe toata lumea o intereseaza ce facem noi si ce dregem, dar in aceasta tara imensa, care este poate ultimul bastion al libertatii, unde totul este despre supravietuire si a avea ce manca in ziua de maine, am inteles ce inseamna sa fii cu adevarat liber. Nimeni si nimic nu pune umarul langa tine ca sa te poti sprijini, cei din jur sunt prea preocupati cu propria supravietuire, iar muntele, da, muntele este mult prea intelept ca sa ii pese de ceva atat de efemer ca omenirea….