Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cladiri miscatoare in Japonia

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bruno Mars - u wanna be a billionaire like me? :D

Pile, Cunostinte si Relatii

M-am intrebat de multe ori daca exista vreo onoare in a primi munca prin aplicarea Pilelor, Cunostintelor si Relatiilor. La mine la munca aceasta practica primeaza in echipa in care sunt si de altfel cred ca mai in toata compania, deoarece in proportie de 95% toti s-au angajat din cauza ca sotul respectivei era prieten cu seful sau prietenul si-a angajat varul, vecinul sau alta cunostinta.
Eu pe de alta parte am aplicat normal si pana la urma taras grapis am ajuns si eu aici, dar cand am ajuns am observat ca intre timp toti verii si verisoarele s-au promovat intre ei, s-au avansat, s-au reangajat si eu trebuie sa o iau iar de la capat.
Poate deveni frustrant sa vezi ca lumea nu este angajata pe merite ci numai pe cunostintele si prieteniile pe care le au, si ma ales sa ii vezi ca isi dau ochii peste cap ca sunt mari manageri sau supervisori cand toata lumea stie ca au ajuns acolo numai din cauza relatiilor si ca de fapt nu are nimic de-a face cu ce stiu sa faca, dar cu timpul inveti sa iti vezi de munca, sa primesti cecul si la sfarsitul zilei sa iti vezi de viata in afara muncii. Nu am pupat in fund niciodata pentru o munca si nici nu o sa o fac acuma. Cand locuiam in Canada de doua ori am primit munca prin concurs fiind mai bun decat 1500 de candidati la test. Canada din acest punct de vedere este mai corecta avand concursuri pentru angajare si in felul asta evitand nepotismul asa de prevalent in America.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Men's brain vs Women's brain

Adrian Severin tradatorul Romaniei

An American view of Romanian schools

I found this on a blog by mistake - a very interesting reading for seeing how an American sees the Romanian mentality and culture at work for the Romanian youth:

"My work in Romania is to help set up educational presentations and occasionally be the presenter. The purpose is to provide English outreach to average Romanian high school students; provide them an opportunity to listen to a native English speaker and encourage them to have an open dialogue. It benefits me, giving a limited, firsthand experience into the Romanian educational system. It benefits the students, giving them confidence in their language abilities (by speaking to a stranger) and providing a way for them to gather knowledge on American lifestyle and educational system.

I have presented on two different topics for high schools: the high school life of American students and volunteerism. The first touched on many aspects that students find interesting because it provides them the opportunity to compare their own high school experience with that of an average American student. The second’s purpose is to reintroduce the concept of volunteering to Romanian students and challenge them to lend a hand. Having been involved in the development and delivery of both presentations, I learned many interesting points from these students.

Students seemed shocked by the amount of activities and sports available to U.S. students. In the U.S., student participation helps run the school, establishing social events like prom, homecoming and pep rallies. Students regularly attend sporting events, displaying school spirit. This pride grows with victory at the regional, state and national levels. Connected to sports, extra-curricular activities are boundless. These activities encourage positive ways for students to grow and discover themselves and keep out of trouble. An effective school in the U.S. integrates traditional education with spirit, extra-curricular activities and encourages students to come together, work together and support each other. This is why cutting school budgets is always a concern in the U.S. -- the first things to be cut often are the activities that provide students the opportunities of self discovery. Undermining a part threatens the whole philosophy of these schools.

This is not to say that all American high schools are perfect or run like this, but their goals seek this style of education. The Romanian students gave the impression that school spirit didn’t exist. (Though I venture to guess it does in the top high schools.) Some sports were played (basketball or football) and some activities existed (usually theater or drama club) but generally students hung out after school. Teachers later commented it was common for their students to smoke and drink. This was easily confirmed walking out of one school where four students sat by the door smoking. (This is not to imply that all students smoke and drink, but that it is the general impression passed forward by teachers and some students.) How different our two nations view smoking and drinking. Here in Romania, and I have seen this first hand, it appears no one particularly cares who buys beer or cigarettes. It reminds me of stories my father told growing up in 1950s America; a period when laws were lenient on drinking and were nonexistent on smoking. But a larger use of extra-curricular activities could help curb these bad habits. Do all kids in debate club refrain from smoking? Absolutely not. However, most students involved in other activities don’t. If more schools gave the opportunities to students to participate in different activities, to talk with like minded people and diversify their social circles, then at least the students would be given a fuller understanding of the world and its expectations of them.

I was also surprised by the disinterest of the students with their general classes (though many seemed to point to one or two classes they particularly enjoyed). Now, no matter where you go there will always be students who don’t want to be in school, Romanian, American, that’s normal. But these students spoke of how memorization is the key to graduation; not the practical use of information, just knowing it. This seems a throwback to the days of communism. What good is knowing information if you can not apply it? This question is asked by many teachers. Need a formula? Either use it a lot so it’s memorized or look it up when needed. But can you actually use the formula to build something? The Romanian students seemed fascinated by this concept, as did their teachers. The students seemed very interested in critical thinking skills and I could see in some of their eyes that they wished for that opportunity; to learn, not to be lectured. I imagine that the education system has gone through some great changes since the end of communism. Newer teachers must be taking different approaches to education, but it takes a long time for a complete change to occur.

One topic in both kinds of presentations I gave was volunteering. Seems many Romanian students do not spend much time, if any, volunteering. Though how much of that is a reaction to the forced “volunteering” their elders and parents had to undergo from CeauČ™escu? However, there were several students who had done some volunteering. They spoke highly of their experiences and would do it again. It is not a lost cause here, just one that needs extra support.

Students here are interested in the concept of volunteering. Questions of, “Why do it?” to, “Where can I volunteer to work with animals?” to, “Would they take me with no experience?” The topic quickly brought many students into the conversation and after one visit students stayed after the presentation and continued to ask questions. Volunteering may be very American but the concept is not owned by or even purely American. Prior to the dark communist days Romania had a large spirit of giving and volunteering. Even today, in the year of European Volunteering, Romanians rank in the top ten of European states that volunteer. Older Romanians have spoken to me about how this is not a Romanian idea or even understood by the youth of today. I say, give them the information, remind them of the importance of doing it, provide them the resources and assistance to find a good place to volunteer and push them to make a difference. Do that and the spirit will come, slow at first but strong in the end. Grassroots campaigns take time to reach a level of maturity but with support, patience and gentle reminders, they do work!

There are many points I could continue to talk about but some general observations should be made. First, for average high schools these students spoke English excellently. At a technical school I was warned the language ability was not so strong, but these students showed great control of a foreign language and even grasped its humor. A feat I have never accomplished! Second, the students are interested during these presentations, actively participating, asking questions, following up on points they want more info on. Overall, the students here show great intelligence. I hope that with the right opportunities they will proceed down a road that makes them happy and allows them a little jingle in their pocket..."

Monday, March 28, 2011


Weekendul asta a plouat asa ca nu am avut prea multe de facut. Am ales sa merg cu niste prieteni noi la Acvariul din Seattle care ca de obicei a fost incantator. Foarte, foarte multa lume, care probabil s-a gandit ca si noi sa mearga intr-un loc fun in care sa nu ploua :D. Saptamana asta a fost funny, a fost soare toata saptamina si in weekend ne-a lovit cu ploaie. Acuma iar a inceput sa fie soare.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Zilele astea...

Zilele astea s-au intimplat tot felul de chestii. Liz Taylor a murit, Adrian Severin s-a kkt pe Romania si India a castigat impotriva Australiei la cricket. Avand in vedere ca nu sunt indian, povestea cu cricketul ramane importanta numai pentru colegii mei la munca....pentru mine si in general pentru romani ce este important este nesimtirea si tigania facuta de Severin in parlamentul european. Dupa ce a fost prins primind mita de la niste ziaristi pretinsi ca oameni de afaceri acest rahat de om isi permite sa zica in numele Romaniei ca el nu este deloc vinovat si ca totul este o inscenare. BOULE ESTI PE YOUTUBE IN TOATA LUMEA! Omul asta gaunos care nu este nimic altceva decat un vierme, a patat drapelul tarii pe care a fost trimis sa o reprezinte in Europa. Cum oare ne vom ridica vreodata la standarde europene, la civilizatie, daca aceste ciume si lepre ne reprezinta in lume. Partidul lui Severin nu este cu nimic mai prejos decat el avand in vedere ca au fost si inca sunt ca o tumoare de nevindecat in clasa politica romaneasca. RUSINE ADRIAN SEVERIN!!
Se pare ca stirea despre acest vierme de om a ajuns pana in AUstralia Multumim Adrian Severin pentru tavalirea unei intregi natii in noroi.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Awesome quote

'Ain’t nobody king in this country. Ain’t nobody, no matter what they might be thinking.’ Jett Rink (James Dean) - Giant

Liz Taylor - RIP

A murit Liz Taylor, odihneasca-se in pace!
Inca o legenda a Hollywoodului s-a dus. Liz Taylor a fost una din actritele preferate mamei mele si imi aduc aminte mic copil fiind cum mama imi povestea de relatiile furtunoase pe care Liz Taylor le-a avut cu Richard Burton si mai ales faptul ca este printre putinii oameni din lume care a are ochii de culoare violeta. Unul din filmul care mi-a ramasa in memorie cu ea a fost Uriasul unde a jucat alaturi de Rock Hudson si unde a avut o performanta de exceptie.
8 casatorii, 4 copii , 10 nepoti si 4 79 de ani Liz a lasat o legacy de neuitat - Rest in Peace Elizabeth!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tacamurile si la ce se folosesc

Pun pariu ca fiecare dintre voi s-a intrebat cel putin o data in viata care este oare diferenta intre toate furculitele si cutitele care sunt aranjate pe uite ca sunt aici ca sa va dezvaluiesc secretul asa cum l-am gasit si eu dezvaluit pe

Happy talk like William Shatner Day

Happy 80th Bday Bill :)

O poveste extraordinara

Bogdan din Botosani a ajuns in Norvegia unde munceste ca 'mover' incarcand si descarcand masini xerox. In spatele acestei munci fizice intense se ascunde un geniu, Bogdan fiind de fapt un pianist si compozitor nedescoperit in Romania din cauze necunoscute. In Norvegia la Norway's got Talent Bogdan a descoperit sansa vietii sale si Norvegia a descoperit un pianist nepretuit - good luck Bogdan.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bellevue the green city

Si ca de obicei Bellevue isi mentine suprematia orasului care gandeste liber si verde, pentru numai 2$ pe ora iti poti incarca masina electrica in centrul orasului la Bellevue Square Mall. Sa speram ca in timp o sa se inmulteasca numarul masinilor electrice in oras avand in vedere ca devenim din ce in ce mai verzi :D.

Pastele Cailor

Poate multi dintre dvs s-au intrebat vreodata daca exista cu adevarat Pastele Cailor. Se pare ca raspunsul se afla in Targoviste unde in fiecare an se celebreaza Pastele Cailor...deci de acum incolo aveti grija cand spuneti "La Pastele cailor " :D

Saturday, March 19, 2011 BUTE ramane CAMPION

A dat cu irlandezul Magee de pamant de 4 ori si asa a ramas campion mondial IBF!!! YEY ! BRAVO BUTE! HAI ROMANIA!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ichiro doneaza 7% din salariu pentru Japonia

Ichiro cel mai faimos jucator de baseball din NorthWest, jucator la Seattle Mariners a donat 1.23 millione de dollari pentru efortul umanitar din Japonia. Bravo lui! 7% din salariu consider ca nu este o suma de ignorat, daca ne gandim ca dupa taxe poate este chiar mai mult de 7%.

Why I love Seattle - in 2 clips :D

N-am mai scris nimic

N-am mai scris nimic in ultima vreme ori pentru ca am fost prins cu una si alta ori pur si simplu pentru ca nu am avut chef. Cutremurul din Japonia parca m-a deprimat asa de-o data cu toate ca este la mii de km departare, dupa aia asa din senin a murit si un coleg de munca la 36 de ani de atac de cord. Se pare ca saptamina trecuta nu a fost o saptamina prea buna pentru lume.
Japonezii se pare ca sunt prea mandrii ca sa accepte ajutor de la oricine, la stiri aici chiar am vazut americanii comentand, cum poti sa ajuti una din cele mai dezvoltate tari din lume, este o situatie foarte dificila.
Aici lumea a inceput sa cumpere pastile cu iod, imi aduc aminte cand eram copil si s-a intimplat dezatrul de la Cernobil ca ne-a strans pe toti in curtea scolii si ne-a dat guvernul cate o pastila fiecaruia. Ma intreb oare de ce guvernul american nu face la fel ca vorba aia este o tara super bogata.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Quotes of the day

Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.
Marquis De Condorcet

The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom, Courage.

Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.
Carol Burnett

Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared; but only men of character are trusted.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.
Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, March 16, 2011



Unul din cantecele care devin an instant classic. Un cantec excelent cu multa substanta si care te duce acolo unde visezi sa fii - Enjoy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cred ca toti avem nevoie de unul :))

Cutremurul din Japonia

Imagini extraodinare:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Quote of the day...

Raising kids is a marathon not a sprint, pace yourself....keep that always in mind!


Sfarsit de saptamina

Cutremurul din Japonia se pare ca a cutremurat pe cei din jur numai pentru o perioada scurta de timp. Uneori mi se pare asa de ireala viata pe care o traim. Am mers in sala de cafea (kitchenette) cum se numeste aici, lumea nu vorbea deloc despre cutremur ci vorbeau despre ce sa manince diseara sau de dansurile la care se pregateau copii lor sa mearga in weekend. Nu stiu de ce poate as fi asteptat mai multa compasiune si mai multa drama, poate eu sunt cel anormal si ma agit prea mult, cine stie....

Cutremur 8.9 in Japonia

Un cutremur devastator de 8.9 a lovit Japonia. Tsunami warnings s-au dat pe toata coasta de vest plus Hawaii. Asteptam sa vedem ce o sa se intimple. Rugati-va pentru japonezi pentru ca se pare ca este cel mai mare cutremur in Japonia in ultimii 100 de ani.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

La multi ani frumoaselor ca nu v-am uitat!

Mai bine mai tarziu decat deloc :) - de Ziua Femeii XOXXO

Cum se duce California la fund

Se pare ca populatia hispanica a devenit majoritara, cel putin la nivelul copiilor. Avand in vedere rata extrem de mare a criminalitatii in aceasta etnie si mai ales faptul ca nu vor deloc sa se integreze in societate, as putea prezice fara sa fiu prea departe de adevar ca acest stat se va duce la fund la calitate in urmatorii 20 ani. O sa devina probabil a doua Florida...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Se pare ca a invata balet nu este usor deloc :D enjoy! iarasi tiganii ne aduc in news

Se pare ca nu se mai termina stirile astea cu tiganii. O sa ajunga lumea ca creada ca toti tiganii vin din Romania:

"Gypsy wife becomes world's youngest grandmother... at 23"

Read more:

Los Angeles

Am promis ca revin cu amanunte dar dupa cum am un timp foarte limitat sa scriu prea multe am hotarat sa pun niste candy for the eye din down town Los Angeles. Pentru standardele americane centrul LA-ului nu este deloc ceva nemaipomenit, as zice ca este chiar ridicol cat de nesemnificativ arata comparativ cu alte orase de marimea lui, dar ma rog, alt relief si alt still de viata. Afacerile mari nu se fac in LA ci in afara lui prin Burbank, Beverly Hills etc.

Asta este o poza facuta de la Getty Museum facuta de pe deal. Restul sunt chiar in downtown LA.

Monday, March 7, 2011

LA LA Land :)

Ieri pe la miezul noptii m-am intors dintr-un trip in LA unde am fost la botezul nepotelului meu. Vremea a fost putin mai friguroasa ca Seattle duminica, dar sambata a fost soare si frumos. Am fost la o biserica noua pe care a descoperit-o sora-mea pe acolo, si totul a fost frumos si intim. O sa revin cu amanunte.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Accentul in limba franceza

Am facut franceza multi ani, am vorbit-o, am invatat-o am si lucrat cativa ani buni in aceasta limba. Dupa atatia ani nici pana acuma nu imi dau seama ce diferenta fac diferitele accente pe litera 'e' ... asa ca am ales sa ma mut intr-o zona engleza :D