Ii numesc tigani francezi pentru ca asa cum s-au stabilit in Romania venind din Turcia si Rusia, unde la randul lor au venit din India si Pakistan, acuma au devenit tigani francezi, tigani germani, tigani italieni. Nu sunt romani pentru ca nu au nimic romanesc in ei. Suntem pe departe de a fi o natie perfecta dar suntem asa cum suntem si tiganii nu sunt parte din noi. Francezii ar trebui sa fie mai putin lasi si ar trebui sa integreze in societatea lor avand in vedere ca asa de multi copii tigani sunt nascuti acolo deci prin definitie sunt francezi. Ii incurajez si pe italieni sa arate cat de civilizati sunt si sa isi integreze proprii cetateni tigani in tara lor acolo unde s-au nascut - Italia.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
8 Ways to Dissolve Your Career Fears
Thinking about making changes to pursue a career you love? When it comes to taking the leap, many of us run into one giant, seemingly insurmountable roadblock. The more seriously we think about taking a step in that direction, the stronger and more impenetrable it becomes.
What’s the roadblock? Fear. It’s a prime culprit in keeping us limited and stuck in our lives.
The good news is that the impenetrable nature of that obstacle is actually just an illusion. You create it moment-by-moment. And because you create it, you also have the power to make it go away.
Here are eight ways to dissolve that fear so you can get back to creating the life you want:
1. Take action.
The easiest, most effective way to eliminate fear is simply to start taking action. When you’re standing still, thinking about what’s coming down the road, your mind can spin a potential reality out of countless worst-case scenarios. Taking action lets you focus on your forward momentum. Action also creates opportunity, which means those worst-case imagined scenarios start to be replaced by opportunity and possibility.
2. Divide and conquer.
No doubt you’ve heard that when something seems too big and unmanageable to achieve, you should break it down and tackle it piece by piece. That’s also good advice when it comes to minimizing your fear. What can seem impossible and even terrifying as a big-picture goal loses a lot of its fear-energy when you approach it in bite-sized, doable stages.
3. Breathe.
Do you ever find yourself falling into fear, tensing up, ultimately immobilizing yourself over what could go wrong? Make a habit of simply stopping to breathe. To start with, step out of that fear space and take 10 slow, deep breaths. As you develop that habit, build on it. Take five minutes and focus on your breath. Then 10 minutes. Think of it as a mini-spa for your mind, a time to relax and step out of the turmoil.
4. Look for inspiration.
Inspiration and debilitating fear can’t live in the same place. Make a habit of bringing inspirational sources into your life, such as books, movies, motivational speakers, or someone you know. Think of it as a gas station that fuels you with positive energy.
5. Break the fear-chain.
Fear is a cycle, a domino effect. One fear sets in motion a fear-chain that spirals out of control. Before you know it, Armageddon is nigh, and you can’t even think about moving toward a career you love. When you recognize that happening, take a step back and ask, “What one fear is relevant to my next steps?” Then set that fear aside, and focus on taking action.
6. Plan.
Put your fear to work in a positive way. Instead of letting it run the show, let that fear shine a light on potential challenges so you can plan for them in advance. If you use it to your advantage, your fear can help you reduce the risk of a negative result.
7. Reach out for support.
Don’t grit your teeth and tough it out. That can cause the pressure to build until you pop. Reach out for support. Let yourself be vulnerable and unsure. Lean on others. Express your fears without wallowing in them.
8. Create success reminders.
Make a list of past successes, big and small. Explore what skills and abilities allowed you to succeed. Identify the obstacles you overcame to get there, as well as what helped you get past them. Keep adding to this list over time as you experience new challenges and successes. Refer to it frequently, reinforcing your belief that, “I can.”
Fear is a persistent beast, so don’t be surprised if it keeps rearing its head. You’re not likely to banish it once and for all. But the more you practice dissolving it when you feel the negative energy build, the more you’ll be able to overcome that once-insurmountable roadblock.
After years as a professional malcontent, Curt Rosengren discovered the power of passion. As speaker, author, and coach, Rosengren helps people create careers that energize and inspire them. His book, 101 Ways to Get Wild About, and his E-book, The Occupational Adventure Guide, offer people tools for turning dreams into reality. Rosengren's blog, The M.A.P. Maker, explores how to craft a life of meaning, abundance, and passion
What’s the roadblock? Fear. It’s a prime culprit in keeping us limited and stuck in our lives.
The good news is that the impenetrable nature of that obstacle is actually just an illusion. You create it moment-by-moment. And because you create it, you also have the power to make it go away.
Here are eight ways to dissolve that fear so you can get back to creating the life you want:
1. Take action.
The easiest, most effective way to eliminate fear is simply to start taking action. When you’re standing still, thinking about what’s coming down the road, your mind can spin a potential reality out of countless worst-case scenarios. Taking action lets you focus on your forward momentum. Action also creates opportunity, which means those worst-case imagined scenarios start to be replaced by opportunity and possibility.
2. Divide and conquer.
No doubt you’ve heard that when something seems too big and unmanageable to achieve, you should break it down and tackle it piece by piece. That’s also good advice when it comes to minimizing your fear. What can seem impossible and even terrifying as a big-picture goal loses a lot of its fear-energy when you approach it in bite-sized, doable stages.
3. Breathe.
Do you ever find yourself falling into fear, tensing up, ultimately immobilizing yourself over what could go wrong? Make a habit of simply stopping to breathe. To start with, step out of that fear space and take 10 slow, deep breaths. As you develop that habit, build on it. Take five minutes and focus on your breath. Then 10 minutes. Think of it as a mini-spa for your mind, a time to relax and step out of the turmoil.
4. Look for inspiration.
Inspiration and debilitating fear can’t live in the same place. Make a habit of bringing inspirational sources into your life, such as books, movies, motivational speakers, or someone you know. Think of it as a gas station that fuels you with positive energy.
5. Break the fear-chain.
Fear is a cycle, a domino effect. One fear sets in motion a fear-chain that spirals out of control. Before you know it, Armageddon is nigh, and you can’t even think about moving toward a career you love. When you recognize that happening, take a step back and ask, “What one fear is relevant to my next steps?” Then set that fear aside, and focus on taking action.
6. Plan.
Put your fear to work in a positive way. Instead of letting it run the show, let that fear shine a light on potential challenges so you can plan for them in advance. If you use it to your advantage, your fear can help you reduce the risk of a negative result.
7. Reach out for support.
Don’t grit your teeth and tough it out. That can cause the pressure to build until you pop. Reach out for support. Let yourself be vulnerable and unsure. Lean on others. Express your fears without wallowing in them.
8. Create success reminders.
Make a list of past successes, big and small. Explore what skills and abilities allowed you to succeed. Identify the obstacles you overcame to get there, as well as what helped you get past them. Keep adding to this list over time as you experience new challenges and successes. Refer to it frequently, reinforcing your belief that, “I can.”
Fear is a persistent beast, so don’t be surprised if it keeps rearing its head. You’re not likely to banish it once and for all. But the more you practice dissolving it when you feel the negative energy build, the more you’ll be able to overcome that once-insurmountable roadblock.
After years as a professional malcontent, Curt Rosengren discovered the power of passion. As speaker, author, and coach, Rosengren helps people create careers that energize and inspire them. His book, 101 Ways to Get Wild About, and his E-book, The Occupational Adventure Guide, offer people tools for turning dreams into reality. Rosengren's blog, The M.A.P. Maker, explores how to craft a life of meaning, abundance, and passion
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thrill The World
Weekendul asta am fost parte din Thrill The World group. Milioane de oameni danseaza pe Thriller simultan peste tot in lume in memoria lui MJ. Eu sunt cel imbracat ca un zombie :D LOL...unul din ei ;)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Corn maze linga Seattle
Weekendul asta am fost la un corn maze - labirint din porumb, pe la o ferma din apropiere. A fost excelent, vremea a fost si ea foarte frumoasa, o multime de oameni - un weekend de vis.
Labirintul era in forma statului Washington si din loc in loc avea cate un indiciu care povestea putin de istoricul locului respectiv - ca de exemplu in poza Welcome to Oregon este o epava care semnifica coasta Pacificului.
Enjoy the pics :)
Aici lumea vine si isi ia dovleacul pentru Haloween. Iei roaba si incarci cati poti, platesti pe livra.
Praf in hambar, aici era un labirint mai mic pentru copii de varste mici.
Se pare ca porcii pot sa creasca si fara mocirla :)
Mere delicioase care le puteai culege la pretul de 12$ sacul.
Fan pentru joaca.
Si oraselul meu drag Bellevue, Wa
Labirintul era in forma statului Washington si din loc in loc avea cate un indiciu care povestea putin de istoricul locului respectiv - ca de exemplu in poza Welcome to Oregon este o epava care semnifica coasta Pacificului.
Enjoy the pics :)
Aici lumea vine si isi ia dovleacul pentru Haloween. Iei roaba si incarci cati poti, platesti pe livra.
Praf in hambar, aici era un labirint mai mic pentru copii de varste mici.
Se pare ca porcii pot sa creasca si fara mocirla :)
Mere delicioase care le puteai culege la pretul de 12$ sacul.
Fan pentru joaca.
Si oraselul meu drag Bellevue, Wa
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thriller flash mob
Foarte curand o sa particip si eu in ceva similar....keep on checking my blog and see if you can recognize me :D
Monday, October 11, 2010
Ramayana cafe...really?
Am descoperit zilele trecute pe internet reclama unei cafenele in Bucuresti numita "Ramayana Cafe". Incantat ca exista si in Romania o bucatica din cultura indiana am aratat websiteul la cativa dintre colegii mei indieni. Au fost de-a dreptul socati ca numele cartii lor sfinte este folosit cu atata batjocura in Romania, cu alte cuvinte ca si cum ai deschide barul Biblia sau ceva similar. Sincer sa fiu nici nu am stiut ce sa zic altceva decat hai sa ne uitam pe la meniu ca sa vedeti ce mancaruri indiene sunt promovate de catre aceasta cafenea exotica....dar ghinion jumate din meniu este umplut cu bauturi alcoolice si mancarea propriuzisa nu prea are nimic de-a face cu bucataria indiana.
Ce sa mai zic, in afara de desecrarea numelui Bibliei indiene, patronii locatiei respective nu au putut nici macar decenta in a avea in meniu ceva cat de cat indian.
Cat despre mine, cred ca data viitoare o sa ma informez mai bine inainte de a ma mandri cu ce mai "creste" prin Romanica :).
Ce sa mai zic, in afara de desecrarea numelui Bibliei indiene, patronii locatiei respective nu au putut nici macar decenta in a avea in meniu ceva cat de cat indian.
Cat despre mine, cred ca data viitoare o sa ma informez mai bine inainte de a ma mandri cu ce mai "creste" prin Romanica :).
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
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